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2021湿纸巾市场前景怎么样? 湿巾如今已经是一个拥有较大市场需求的行业,随着我国湿巾市场的快速发展,近年来,贝亲、维达、恒安、金佰利、金红叶、全棉时代等领先企业都已进入湿巾市场。随着我国居民收...
2013 International Technology twentieth tissue exhibition and conference
Much industry attention twentieth tissue International Technology Exhibition and Conference (2013 Annual Meeting in Shenzhen tissue paper) will be held 28-30 May 2013 at the Shenzhen Convention and ...
Speed up industrial restructuring to become the new action valve industry in Wenzhou
Wenzhou Valve Industry Association recently held a three second member of the General Assembly, at which the newly elected president of Zhejiang Petrochemical Valve Co., Ltd. Board Chairman Yang Ron...
Tissue World Asia 2010 of Shanghai
The 2010 edition will be the fourth in the Tissue World Asia series, with the first having been launched in 2004. As standards of living and health continue to rise in essentially all Asian countrie...
Environmental testing instruments in China demand
Environmental instrumentation used primarily in environmental quality monitoring and pollution monitoring. For China's specific national conditions, mainly to resolve the environmental protection of...
750 billion new things pushed the market to upgrade the sensor industry
Industry sources, the development of things by the new sensor as the material basis. Thus, the domestic enterprises should aim at the Internet of Things applications, development of new sensors. ...
Wet Wipe market
During the past 10 years-and more notably during the past five years, an immense surge in the consumption of wipes on a global level has been seen. The market has developed from almost non-existence...
Non-woven coporation story of sominen
Nina Kopola has been named president and CEO of Suominen Corporation and Suominen Group effective December 1, 2011. Kopola has begun to familiarize herself with the company operations together with ...
Success of the project located in Cixi Bearing Industry Economic Development Zone, Guangzhou Germany
Success of the project located in Cixi Bearing Industry Economic Development Zone, Guangzhou Germany Recently, following Yueqing electronics, automobile and motorcycle projects Yuhuan cluster Gu...
Global non-woven consumer market and the future development of the forecast
Non-woven textile industry in recent years has achieved great development. By 1998, world non-woven consumption has reached 2.4 million tons. In 1970, its consumption was only 40 tons, but by 2007,...
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